“Logging 150,000Miles in theFreshAir
with aFull View!”TimFisher’s Story
1979Harley SuperGlide and 1999Harley
UltraClassic ~Riding for 40 years
(MaintenanceGroupLeader) has been riding
motorcycles for 40 years, logging some 150,000miles. Two-
thirds of themiles have beenonhis 1979Harley SuperGlide.
This summer he added a comfortable 1999HarleyUltraClassic
tohis collection. NorthernWisconsin is a favorite place to ride
withDaleVanWyk andKenPreder (see photoof the three).
“The air is fresh and a little cooler in thewoods,”Tim told
He has also ridden to Sturgis, SouthDakota, four timeswith
(Retired) towatchmotorcycle races andhill
climbs. “Our latest trip this summerwas aroundLake Superior
on the ’99Ultra,” he said. “Fresh air and a full view compensate
for the occasional rain storm and a little bug juice you
encounter,”Tim said.
One of Plenco’s Mechanical Project Engineers,
Darwin Jaeger, is a long-time bikerwho first rode a
dirt bike at the early age of 10. Darwin recalls that
he used his 50ccHonda to ride on the family farm
and “goof around quite a bit but it was alsopracti-
cal ... whenwe had to runout and get a tractor.”
As he grew so did his bikes. After a 175Honda
Enduro, he rode a 550ccHondaVision that “really
flew.” Unfortunately, that bike was wrecked in a
traffic accident. “A person… failed to stop for a
stop sign… and they pulled out right in front of
me,” recalledDarwin.He said theaccident hasmade
him “a lotmore cautious since then.”
After owning a 1200cc Honda Escapade for a
number of years, he moved to his current bike:
a 1500ccHondaGoldwing. Darwin said he and a
bunch of biking buddies would often take trips
around Lake Michigan. They headed for Sturgis
another time but nevermade it.
Now days, his travels keep him closer to home.
His wife Karri and he like to take trips to Door
County,Milwaukee and theKettles.
Asked if any of his kids expressed an interest in
getting amotorcycle,Darwin saidhis sonRyanwas
interested. “It was his fourteenth birthday and his
mind was made up that he was going to get a dirt
bike,”he said. But alas that didn’t happen. “I always
get a little concerned… I don’t want him to get
hurt,” he said.
When asked if he plans on riding motorcycles
into hisGolden years, Darwin said that his current
bike has plenty of miles on it and he would like to
replace it with the Persu V3, a three-wheeled bike
expected to be in the market next year. With its
enclosedcockpit, “I could ride a lot longer through-
out the year,” saidDarwin.
“Bikingon 3-Wheeler PersuV3
into ‘GoldenYears’”
Darwin Jaeger’s Story as told to
Riding since age 10!
Top: TimFischer’s 1999HarleyUltraClassic, acquired this summer.
Bottom: GeorgeAmweg, retired fromPlenco, now can ride to his heart’s content!