PlastiScope21 - September 2013 - page 2

Amessage fromMikeBrotz
Welcome to the inaugural issueof thenewPlastiScope!
PlastiScope21 reflects the digital technology age in which we live. Plenco wants to
utilize these innovations to increase the effectiveness of communicatingwith and among
thePlenco family.
Theoriginal PlastiScopewas launched in theearly1970sandceasedpublication in the
early 2000s. Nowwe have the benefit of the computer and Internet.
This 21st century version of PlastiScopewill be available eachmonth on the 21st day
at thePlencoWeb site. It will remainaccessible to you for onemonth, until thenext issue
is posted. Previous issueswill then bearchived at the same site.
All youwill need to read the latest issue is a personal computer, tablet or smartphone.
Simply click on theWeb site
and then click on the “PlastiScope21”
icon on the toolbar on the home page.
Youwill beprompted to insert your user nameandpasswordprovided toyoubyPlenco’s
HumanResources department.
There, at your convenience in the evening or weekend, you and your family will find
Plenco news and features, employee news and features, human interest stories, brief
commentaryongeneral issues, inspirational articles, andother news that impactsyour life
as aPlenco employee.
Our team of volunteer PlencoReporters, whose names can be found in this issue, will
help to insure that news and stories from your department will be considered for inclusion
in thee-newsletter.
Every employee and retiree is encouraged to submit news, story ideas, photos and
videos by email
PlastiScope21 will present stories in a graphically interesting way, with photos and
illustrations in four-color.Each issuewill havean imbeddedvideoandoccasional links that
will allow you togainamulti-dimensional viewof the article subject.
Byclickingon thevideo, youwill immediatelybe taken toan interviewor statement, thus
adding an interesting dimension to the subject. Other links will permit you to learnmore
about a story subject fromother sources.
In each issue, you will simply click on the side of the page to turn to the next page.
Length of issues will vary, depending on the amount of news. There will be occasional
“breaking news” special editions when information of interest or urgency to employees
becomes available.
Our IT experts tell us that virtually every Plenco employee has access to the Internet,
and that will be the preferred way to read PlastiScope21 monthly. A limited number of
printed copieswill be available for thosewho donot have access to the Internet.
PlastiScope21providesanopportunity for all of us to come together asa closer Plenco
We encourage your comments and reaction to this 21st century Inaugural Issue!
We hope youenjoyPlastiScope21!
Michael R. Brotz,
President andCEO
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