PlastiScope21 - September 2013 - page 6

here’s nothingbetter on a lateSeptemberweekend than
a ride through the rural roads of SheboyganCountyon
yourmotorcycle! Just askmore than20Plenco employ-
eeswho consider biking tobe one of their favorite pastimes.
WithHarley-Davidson just down the road inMilwaukee, our
state has been a mecca for biking, known around the world.
And many Plenco families, generation after generation, have
had a front seat fromwhich to watch howmotorbikes have
evolvedoverHarley’s 110 years.
MostPlencoemployees find thecounty roads aroundElkhart
and Crystal Lakes to be ideal. Thanks to the glaciers that
created the Kettle Moraine 20,000 years ago, with its deep,
pristine lakes and sharply carved hills and valleys, bikers here
are offered some of the best routes in theUnited States.
Plenco employees interviewed said they often participate in
fund-raising rides for worthy charities, while others engage in
what is known as “Poker Runs” in which participants, usually
using motorcycles, visit five to seven check points, drawing a
playing card at eachone. Thebest poker hand at the endof the
Since 2003, the number of motorcycles owned and used in
Americahas grownmore than19percent to approximately10.4
And it’s not just a “guy thing” anymore. Female ownership
of motorcycles crossed the 10-percentmark in 2008. Younger
generations have evenmore female riders.
Vickie Sericati
(IT Department) and
Mary Wesner
(Executive Secretary) are two examples of this trend. Vickie
that she started riding five years ago to save
money when the price of gas skyrocketed and commuting to
work by car became more expensive. “I was deadly afraid of
riding at first,” she said, but quickly overcame her concerns.
“Today not only do I continue to ride my bike to work daily
but my husband and I have ridden to 40 U.S. states and two
Mary said riding adds spice to life. “When you hop on your
bike instead of into your car it feels as if you are doing
something different that breaks up the routine – a change of
pace, so to speak,” she said.
Mary has found that biking has had an important side bene-
fit. “Since I’vebecome a rider, I am abetter driver in the sense
of beingmore alert and observant in noticingmotorcycles on
the road, as well as other obstacles,” she said. “Riding has
instilled inme the need to think ahead – anticipate things that
couldbecome an accident.”
Most Plenco bikers appreciate the freedom of motorcycle
(Industrial Engineering Department)
has been enjoying the freedom of movement provided by
motorcycling formore than 25 years.
(ToolRoom) andhiswifeenjoy theback roads
on their 2004 Harley Ultra Classic. “Whether we have a set
destination or not, we like to take back roads,” he told
“What is it about…Motorcycles?”
PlencoEmployeesKnowWhere theRubberHits the
Road andThey LoveBiking through theKettleMoraine
WisconsinNorthwoods500mile rideonabeautiful weekendSept. 6-8, 2013, by (left to right)DaleVanWyk (Tool Room), Plenco retireeKenPreder, andTim
Fischer (Maintenance). The threesome biked fromSheboygan toPickerel, Hiles, EagleRiver, St. Germaine, and back toDale’s cottage inPickerel.
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