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PLENCO CSR Initiative
IV. Human Rights
and Freedoms
With operations in the United States and Mexico and
suppliers and customers around the world, our company
understands the interconnected nature of today’s mar-
ketplace. Respect for human rights and freedoms is a key
component of our Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative.
Plenco will not engage with a supplier that violates human
rights standards. If Plenco learns of abuses among our
suppliers, we will seek proper recourse, including possible
termination of the relationships.
Child Labor
Plenco prohibits the employment of individuals under 18
years of age, with the exemption of temporary student
summer personnel. We fully comply with Wisconsin State
Law and U.S. Federal Law with regard to the employment of
Forced Labor and Human Trafficking
Plenco prohibits the use of all forms of forced labor and
human trafficking at our United States and Mexico facilities,
including indentured labor, bonded labor, prison labor, slave
labor and any labor derived from human trafficking.
Plenco employees, contractors, subcontractors, vendors,
suppliers, partners and others through whom Plenco
conducts business must not engage in any practice that
constitutes trafficking in persons or slavery.
Universal Human Rights
Generally speaking, the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly
in Paris on December 10, 1948, ratified a valuable and inclu-
sive description of what universal human rights are and how
they are the rights of all women, men and children on Earth.
Many provisions are inspired by historic and cherished
American documents such as the Declaration of Indepen-
dence, the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Plenco
upholds these principles.
Plenco’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy can be found on Page 27 of this
CSRI document.